MarcEdit FAQs

Current Release Information

  • What is the current version of MarcEdit?

The current version of MarcEdit is MarcEdit 7/MarcEdit Mac 3.

  • Where can I download the current version?

The current version is available from the Downloads page:  When installed, MarcEdit 7 *will not* replace or uninstall previous versions of MarcEdit.  MarcEdit 7 can be installed side-by-side with previous versions of the application.

  • What systems can I run MarcEdit on?

MarcEdit 7 can run on any system that can install the .NET 4.6.1 framework or the current MONO framework on Windows or Linux.  On MacOS, MarcEdit can run on versions 10.10+.

  • What if I need to run MarcEdit on Windows XP?

You have two options.  If you want to run MarcEdit 7, you can install the current version of MONO and run MarcEdit via MONO.  Or, you can install MarcEdit 6.x.  Please note, MarcEdit 6.x is in maintenance mode.  No new features will be added to the application.  This version is scheduled to receive quarterly bug fixes till ~March 2019.

  • Can I install MarcEdit 7 and MarcEdit 6 on the same machine?

Yes!  MarcEdit 7 and MarcEdit 6 are completely separate applications and don’t share any of the same components.  When you install MarcEdit 7, it installs into its own space, and utilizes its own configuration/settings.

  • Will MarcEdit 7 migrate my settings/tasks?

Yes!  MarcEdit 7/MacOS 3 has an install agent that will walk you through the process of installing the application.  As part of this process, users are provided an opportunity to import their previous settings into the application.

  • I forgot to import my settings on install…is there another way?

Yes!  You can use the Share Configuration Settings option in MarcEdit 6 and MarcEdit 7 to export and import settings between the different versions of the application.

  • Do I have to be an administrator to install MarcEdit?

No…one of the significant changes in MarcEdit 7 is that MarcEdit provides both an installer for users with administrative permissions and one with user level permissions.

Technical Questions

  • I’ve written a number of scripts that use MarcEdit’s COM API.  Will they work with MarcEdit 7?

Yes they will.  MarcEdit 7 preserves the COM namespaces found in MarcEdit 5 and 6, so scripts written for previous versions of MarcEdit will continue to work without any changes.

  • Why did you drop Windows XP support?

This is a good question.  Technically, Windows XP was becoming problematic to support.  From a technical perspective, Microsoft has dropped support for all of it’s tooling on XP, so the .NET framework used on XP was almost 10 years old.  This was causing me significant technical limitations, as I was having to write around bugs in the frame that had been long since been fixed.  Though, the biggest reason for the shift was the need to evolve MarcEdit.  In order to support many of the semantic web options that I wanted to begin working with, I had to shift to the newer framework or be forced to reinvent much of the foundational work that supports semantic resources in the .NET framework and the operating system.  That just wasn’t feasible.  Additionally, Windows XP has a number of limitations related to Unicode support and doesn’t support current SSL standards, so many features that rely on the ability to communicate with web services were already starting to break.  Given these issues and the general insecurity of the operating system (at this point), it was time to make the change.