- Chapter 1: Getting to Know MarcEdit
- Chapter 2: Getting Started
- Chapter 3: Understanding the MarcEdit Preferences
- Chapter 4: Editing My First Set of Records
- Chapter 5: Help!
- Chapter 1: Getting to know the MARC Tools and the MARCEngine
- Chapter 2: Dealing with Characterset in MarcEdit
- Chapter 3: Slice, Dice, and Join Your Records Again
- Chapter 4: Merging MARC Data Sets
- Chapter 5: Batch Processing Records
The MarcEditor: MarcEdit’s MARC editing notepad
- Chapter 1: MarcEditor’s Preferences
- Chapter 2: Working with Regular Expressions
- Chapter 3: Editing your MARC Data
- Chapter 3.1: Working with MarcEdit’s Find/Replace
- Chapter 3.2: Add/Delete Fields
- Chapter 3.3: Edit Subfield Data
- Chapter 3.4: Swap Field Data
- Chapter 3.5: Build New Field Function
- Chapter 3.6: Automatically Inserting Call Numbers
- Chapter 3.7: The RDA Helper
- Chapter 4: Generating Reports
- Chapter 5: Building Tasks: Automating Record Edits
- Chapter 6: Cluster Editing
Working with non-MARC data
- Chapter 1: Working with XML Data
- Chapter 2: Harvesting data via OAI
- Chapter 3: Working with Delimited Data
- Chapter 4: MarcEdit’s SQL Explorer
- Chapter 5: Z39.50 Support
Book V: MARCNext
- Chapter 1: MarcEdit and Linked Data
- Chapter 2: Reconciliation in MarcEdit
- Chapter 3: Heading Validation
- Chapter 4: MarcEdit and SPARQL
Book VI: Integrations
- Chapter 1: ILS Integrations
- Chapter 2: Integrating with OCLC
- Chapter 3: MarcEdit and OpenRefine
Book VII: Features for Developers
- Chapter 1: Developing Plugins for MarcEdit
- Chapter 2: MarcEdit’s Script Maker
- Chapter 3: Understanding the API
- Chapter 4: Working with MarcEdit’s command-line tools
- Chapter 5: Direct ILS Integration