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Welcome to the MarcEdit 7 Downloads page. First, thank you for being interested in testing the program. MarcEdit 7 is currently in the alpha beta testing phase, which means that this isn’t finished software. In fact, there are a number of places, where this is really not finished software. At the same time, over a year’s worth of work has gone into the creation of this new version, and it’s time to make it available.
In creating MarcEdit 7, I had a couple of very simple goals:
- Make the Tool easier for new users
- Make the Tool more accessible for all users
- Increase performance across all aspects of the Tool
- Integrate many of the bolt on tools added in MarcEdit 6
- Better Interactive support in the command-line, scripting, or task management
- Better tools for dealing with dirty data
- Improved Linked Data tools and processes
- Better Installation process (Installers that work with and without administrator privileges)
And in many ways, you will see a lot of these things in MarcEdit 7. You’ll find new accessibility options in the form of themes and new data translations. You’ll find the new clustering tools, new XML processing tools, new tools integrated into the ILS toolkits. Sure, there’s a lot of work left to be done, but there is a lot of work that is finished.
What do I need to know?
Ok, if you’ve gotten this far on the page and are still interested in playing with software that is very much in development, there’s a few things that you need to know. First, MarcEdit 7’s system requirements are very different than MarcEdit 6.x. MarcEdit 7 will not run on Windows XP. In fact, I’m technically only supporting Windows 7-10, but the program will run on any system that has .NET 4.6.1 installed. Please be aware, this is a big change…a breaking change for some people. I’ve spent a little over a year letting folks know that this was coming, and will keep the 6.3.x branch alive and available for users that are unable to update, but technically, it’s become too difficult to continue to support a system that was released almost 15 years ago (Windows XP). By dropping XP, I’ve been able to move the tool into a direction that I doubt would have been possible — so while I regret any inconvenience this might cause, it’s necessary for the future development of the application.
The second thing that you need to know is that the alpha and beta versions don’t require administrative privileges to install. I’ve spent a lot of time working on a new installation model that will enable users to install MarcEdit either as an administrator (for use by all users on a machine) and as a non-administrator (available only to the user that installed the program). All alpha/beta builds will be provided as non-administrator builds as these builds are sandboxed and will allow users to run MarcEdit 6 and MarcEdit 7 on the same machine. When you install MarcEdit 7, it will install the tool into your Applications Data directory and create a new folder for MarcEdit 7’s configuration data. It will then copy your existing MarcEdit 6 data (assuming you have MarcEdit 6 installed) and prep it for use in MarcEdit 7. Please be aware, while MarcEdit 6 and 7 can be installed on the same machine, there is a chance that installing MarcEdit 7 will associate .mrc and .mrk files with MarcEdit 7 (not MarcEdit 6). It shouldn’t, because the associations in MarcEdit 6 are done at the root level of the Windows Registry, but there is a chance — this isn’t something I’ve been able to spend time testing.
Download the program
One last note, because these are non-administrator installations, it is really important that you install the correct version of the application. If you have a 64-bit version of Windows, you must install the 64 bit installer or some features will not work. Likewise, if you have a 32-bit version of Windows, you must install the 32-bit installer or some features will not work (and likely, will crash the application when they don’t work).
It appears that you are running a:
This determination is made by evaluating the UserAgent information provided by your browser, though, this information can be faulty…specifically if your browser of choice is Safari. If you aren’t sure which version of Windows you are using, please see: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/13443/windows-which-operating-system
The specific information you are looking for is the System information. Here’s what this looks like on Windows 10:
If your system identifies as a 64-bit Operating System, you will want to download the 64-bit installer. If your system identifies as a 32-bit Operating System, you will want to download the 32-bit installer. You want to download the version of the installer that corresponds to the Operating System bit type.
What about Mac and Linux Users
Don’t worry — this update affects you too. All the code being written for the Windows version is shared with all other platforms — this leaves primarily graphics design work to be done. On the Linux side, this version (the Windows version) is the code that will run on Linux. On the Mac side, I’m starting the process of working on the GUI changes to accept the new functionality. However, given that the MacOS version is less than 2 years old, there are many GUI changes that I’m doing in the Windows version that I’ve already taken up on the Mac side. With that said, I don’t expect to have a MacOS version of MarcEdit 3 available for testing until sometime in later Oct. 2017.
Thank you
Finally, thank you for testing. MarcEdit continues to evolve and improve because of people like you, taking the time to test and provide feedback.
Windows 32-bit Download | Windows 64-bit Download | Build Archive
- Integration of the Startup Wizard and Unicode Font download/Management: https://youtu.be/7GWZ_UDUf00
- Bug Fix: Task Management: Adding Case conversion statements weren’t working
- Enhancement: COM Object — new functions added
- Enhancement: MARCEngine: Temp file management updated to reflect same management implemented in the task management
- Bug Fix: Language file in RDA Help changes missing in the 64-bit build.
- Enhancement: Edit Shortcuts in the MarcEditor
- Bug Fix: Delete Field: Remove Duplicate fields — updated when handling multiple dedups across multiple field groups.
- Enhancement: Z39.50 Custom field addition
- Enhancement: Z39.50 Smartquote filter
- Enhancement: MARC SQL Explorer updates
- Enhancement: Replace All Function: NOT keyword added to the Preform If options
- Enhancement: RDA Helper: Added code to allow for custom 040$b data
- Enhancement: Edit Shortcuts — Generate 13 digit ISBN
- Enhancement: Script Maker — updating for the new COM object
- Enhancement: Support for plugins re-enabled.
- Bug Fix — UI issues with the Inputbox dialog, losing string data when fonts are larger. Updated Inputbox dialog and connected it to the form sizing/font sizing event pump
- Bug Fix– UI issues with the Inputbox dialog. This dialog is not connected to the theming event pump. It has now been connected. The only content that will now not be themed, are messages generated by the Operating System.
- Bug Fix — Logging Enhancements — process by record changed the way records are counted internally, which caused issues with the log management. Updates to ensure that this works correctly. [way I could do this — add a value to meedit that is static (so able to be pulled by the various functions — and is set each time the value is called into the function. It is only set when run as a file. That would allow me to set record processing number — remember, number starts at zero (I think…need to confirm that)
- Bug Fix: Select/Delete Extracted Records — sorting by checkboxes in the virtual list has been corrected
- Bug Fix: Delete Field: Remove Dedups — when using a delimited field list, the order was not always preserved. This should be corrected.
- Bug Fix: Edit Subfield: Delete Duplicate in the new task process for by record was functioning incorrectly
- Enhancement: Delete Field – Added new functionality so that delete by duplicate allows preference to be set by the tag list
- Bug Fix: Task Editor: Edit Subfield Task wouldn’t select delete duplicates when Editing the task (though data was saved correctly)
- Enhancement: Check URLs — HTTP status codes for waiting have been added
- Enhancement: Saxon: Saxon library has been updated
- Enhancement: Extract/Delete Selected MARC Records — List loads much faster (using a virtual list).
- Bug Fix: Task Broker: Edit Subfield task switcher was throwing an error if the field defined uses the wildcard syntax of 7** and finds nothing if using 7xx.
- Enhancement: RDA Helper — Abbreviations syncing file is now active.
- Enhancement: SPARQL Browser — Local rdf files can be used as SPARQL endpoints.
- Bug Fix: Task Broker: Replace Function task switcher is over-processing when working in the by record mode and under processing when searching regular expressions in the by record mode.
- Bug Fix: Task Processing: When running a task by record, the count was off (I’d changed the buffer for optimized work.
- Bug Fix: Task Broker: Indicator tasks with multiple wildcards were being missed.
- Bug Fix/Behavior Change: Edit Subfield (remove data): removed convenience feature that automatically would force regular expressions to ignore case.
- Bug Fix: Task Processing: Process Task By Record — character encoding/file encoding switching correction (results in some task elements not processing when they should)
- Bug Fix: Task Broker — Replace All Task wasn’t processing if the conditional option was selected.
- Enhancement: New Hex Editor tool added to MarcEdit (replacing MARC Spy). This tool is more robust
- Enhancement: Theme Builder completed
- Enhancement: Preferences updated to support the theme builder
- Enhancement: Clustering tooling: Dice Coefficient algorithm added
- Enhancement: Enabled sorting of results by a-z and 0-9.
- Enhancement: Accessibility — keyboard shortcuts implemented for the Main Window and MARC Tools window
- Enhancement: batch editing library optimizations (specifically related to logging changes, counting changes, and regular expression processing)
- Bug Fix: Copy Field Data – processing error in task processing when the task broker shifts record processing to by record.
- Enhancement: Edit Indicators: Count returns # of actual changes (not number of indicators potentially touched)
- Enhancement: Delimited Text Translator has been updated and themes enabled.
- Enhancement: Sparql browser has been refreshed with Examples and help
- Enhancement: Linked data platform enhancement to provide functions to read and write to local triple stores.
- Behavior Change: Old chm help file has been removed in favor of linking out to the website.
- Bug Fix: Export Tab Delimited Records (open file and save file buttons not working)
- Enhancement: XML Crosswalk wizard — enabled root element processing
- Bug Fix: XML Crosswalk wizard — some elements not being picked up, all descendants should now be accounted for
- Bug Fix: Batch Process Function – file collisions in subfolders would result in overwritten results.
- Enhancement: Batch Processing Function: task processing uses the new task manager
- Enhancement: Batch Processing Function: tasks can be processed as subdirectories
- Installer Change: I bumped the minimum requirements to .NET 4.6.1 on the installer; after some research, it appears 4.5 will suffice.
- Enhancement: Support Regular Expression option with the Delete Field/duplication field data question.
- Enhancement: Support for multiple field processing using the Delete Field Functions
- Bug Fix: SRU search not picking up custom entries when record number or keyword search selected.
- Enhancement: Preview MARC File link added back to right click on .mrc file
- Enhancement: All processes: Updated Temp file management
- Bug Fix: Plugin Manager failing because it’s missing a column for MarcEdit version (note, none of the current plugins will work with MarcEdit 7)
- Enhancement: Added new languages for Croatian, Estonian, Indonesian, Hungarian, and Vietnamese
- Enhancement: Offer download into private font collection the Noto fonts when no Unicode font is present. This will make the fonts *only* available for use with MarcEdit.
- When Editing a task list — could the list not refresh? This occurs when you have a theme defined.
- Bug Fix: Update all the Z39.50/SRU databases (specifically — the lc databases point to the old voyager endpoint that I believe is turned off)
- Bug Fix: Working with Saxon, XSLT transformations that link to files with spaces or special characters fail
- Bug Fix: Clustering Tool — selecting a top level cluster would include # of records in the cluster, not just the data to copy
- Enhancement: Clustering Tools — Add to the Main Window as a stand-alone tool
- Bug Fix: On install, the file types are not associated
- Enhancement: New Font’s dialog to support private fonts collections
- Bug Fix: Fonts not sticking when using the startup wizard
- Enhancement: Added Unicode Font download to help
- Bug Fix: Z39.50/SRU downloads were only downloading as .mrk formatted data, not as binary MARC. The Tool has been updated to select download type by extension.
- Enhancement: Updated the Icon a bit so that it’s not so transparent on the desktop.
- Enhancement: Both the 32 and 64 bit user installers have been signed. Other binaries are not signed yet.
- Bug Fix: Main Window — only able to size window larger, not smaller
- Bug Fix: Task Processing: Tasks that collected user input stop in Debugging
- Bug Fix: Task Processing: Deletion menu not functioning when working with the ILS post and pre-processing steps
- Bug Fix: Task Processing: Adding a Subfield Edit Task throws an error on save
- Bug Fix: Task Processing: Information wasn’t making it to the log file
- Enhancement: Task Processing: Benchmarking information added to the output results
- Enhancement: Task Processing: UI freezing minimized
- Enhancement: Task Processing: Tasks and files are being evaluated by the broker and selecting the best task processing methodology for performance [simple criteria — task with more than 150 items will move to the by record option, tasks under go to by file]
- Enhancement: Task Processing: Optimized loops and string processing in the code.
- Enhancement: Delimited Text Translator: Defined generic 008 is replaced if an 008 is defined in a spreadsheet
- Bug Fix: Translations: Some placeholder fields were translated that shouldn’t have been resulting in odd data (like Undefined 1 on the main screen).
- Enhancement: Setup Wizard — proactively purges some MarcEdit 6 settings that are not applicable or may cause issues in MarcEdit 6
- Bug Fix: Setup Wizard — Couple labels were truncated
- Bug Fix: Setup Wizard: Some paths not corrected when importing data from MarcEdit 6
- Enhancement: Translations: 5 new translations added (Czech, Bulgarian, Catalan, Danish, Bangla)
- Enhancement: Quick links — couple more links enabled
- Bug Fix: MARCSplit — splitting by # of files causes and error when the # of files is less than 3
- Bug Fix: Z39.50/SRU: Imported lists from MarcEdit 6 might not merge correctly causing an error
- Enhancement: MARCEngine: General optimizations
- Bug Fix: Task Processing: Updated Temp file management
- Enhancement: All processes: Updated Temp file management
- Enhancement: Linked Data: New profiled databases
- Enhancement: Enabling automated update functionality (update checking, not automatic update installation yet)
- Enhancement: Support for UNC paths when setting network locations with tasks
- Enhancement: Task Processing — Preprocessing of tasks in process by records.