

tipTips and Tricks will be highlighted within the text to note specific points of interest.




My hope is as this document develops and readers make comments or suggestions, new Tips and Tricks will be added throughout the document to help MarcEdit users navigate some of its quirks and lesser known functions and behaviors.  Each chapter will include links to images, screenshots, audio, or video when appropriate.  Moreover, I’ll be experimenting with a few plug-ins to try and encourage embedded comments and discussions, to allow you, the reader, an opportunity to add to this document.  It is my sincere hope that the final product can be used and reused for a number of different purposes.

I would be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to thank a few people, who without, this work would never have happened.  First and foremost, I’d like to thank my wife, Alyce, and my kids, for their unwavering support and patience during the many hours I spend immersed in library issues.  I’d also like to thank Kyle Banerjee for modelling what a librarian could be and convincing me that I had something to contribute.  Without his encouragement, I would have never made MarcEdit available to the public, and I certainly would have been poorer for it.  And finally, to the MarcEdit user community, for allowing me the opportunity to work with and get to know many of you.  Most of what MarcEdit is today comes directly from the suggestions of an energetic user community.  It has been my great pleasure to work with all of you.


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