The MARCValidator has 3 options:
- Validate Record (Default): This validates the data of the record utilizing the referenced Rules file.
- Identify Invalid Records: This identifies structurally invalid records in either MarcEdit’s mnemonic file format or in the MARC binary format.
- Remove Invalid Records: This will remove the offending data and place it in a .bad file in the same directory as the Source file.
To identify why the MARC Tools program flagged a record set as having structurally invalid data, select the file to be tested and then select Identify Invalid Records option. When processed, you’ll receive a set of results like Figure 6.
In Figure 6, we see that Record 1 was identified as having an error, and error was determined to be a record length error. MarcEdit’s healing function can correct most of these types of structural errors — so a user may assume that the data was fixed correctly, or extract this record for processing later.